Oroscopo is your daily horoscope mobile app developed for Vabbe. Read your horoscope for free on the most popular horoscope app in Italy. Precise and reliable information on your zodiac sign that will help you get through your days.
Let us take you on the journey that we had in bringing to life the most downloaded mobile app in Italy for July 2019.
Wireframe & UX.
This is the first step when developing a digital product, be it an app or a website. Here is where the tough decisions that paid off at launch happened. By first building the user journey and mapping features and sections we drafted the wireframe and road map to all features and elements that will keep the user on track while navigating the app.
Colors and Fonts.
Having the information displayed on small screens (phones) and wearables in the future, we researched and tested fonts that have an easy readability and flow.
For the colors we decided to go with a memorable pallet and stick with the colors and gradients you can see in the sunset and night sky.
User Interface Design.
Having a mass market app and with such diverse users, we had to constantly iterate and test the screens and see which elements, animations, colors, buttons and sections have to be highlighted in order to have an easy way of showcasing the horoscope information as well as daily news.
The icon is one of the most essential elements for apps, as it is the first element the potential users sees and it also has to have an aesthetic that pops on the screen and brings recurrent usage.
In the background we stuck with the cosmic theme and added constellations that blend in the O center piece.
The website we built and designed for the app is a straightforward presentational one pager. Elements that are highlighted in the app design is present in the website as well keeping a very cohesive look and feel while showcasing all the features and functionalities of the app and platform behind it.
With all the time put in research and designing the interface we had high expectations, but the result took us a bit by surprise. We reached in the first day the iOS App Store number 1 spot in trending, with more than +50K downloads in the first 24 hours. We also saw a top trending spot in the Google Play Store, with +10K downloads in the first 4 hours.
I wanted to make an app to enhance the horoscope section of my magazine www.vabbe.it .This is my first and only app and I had zero experience as far as the app world is concerned. The Subsign team have understood and best executed all my requests obtaining as a result an app with a modern design and very usable by users.
Alex Florea — CEO Vabbe
Originally published at subsign.co